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Online Giving

We believe it is a wonderful privilege and joy to give to the greatest work on earth…the work of saving souls and transforming lives for Jesus Christ! Ebenezer, West shows her love through the giving of tithes and offerings from all the blessings we receive from God. We have witnessed first-hand changed lives because of our faithful giving! Please click either of the buttons below and you will be directed to our secure online giving page with several options for existing members, new users and guests to give.

Registered Members Click Here to Give Online


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Postal Gifts

If you choose to send Ebenezer, West a gift using the postal service, please use the address below to ensure your gift is received and allocated to the appropriate ministry of your choice.

Ebenezer Baptist Church West
205 North Chase Street
Athens, GA 30606

Thank you so very much for your generous and continuous support of Ebenezer, West. Your donations are greatly appreciated.